The Pro Platform Changelog

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User Enhancements

Feb 21, 2024


We are excited to announce that you now have the ability to change the profile image of your GBP chat widget. Until this release, we were restricted to using a static image that was applicable for accounts integrated with us. With this update, you can change the logo to better align with your business preference!

How to Change the Profile Picture for the Chat Widget:

  • Go to settings and proceed to the 'Integrations' section.
  • Select 'Google My Business' and navigate to the 'Change Settings' option.
  • In the settings menu, locate the 'Profile Image' section.
  • Choose your desired image and click the 'Update' CTA.
  • Visit your business on Google to verify the updated profile image.


Upon changing the image and submitting it, an email is sent to the Google support team requesting the update of the image on their end. The turnaround time (TAT) for updating the image is between 24 to 48 hours.

Additionally, we have added an option to seamlessly visit your Google Business Profile from the integration page.

Feb 20, 2024


We’ve enhanced the new user creation, enabling newly created users to set their passwords before logging into their accounts. This update prevents admins from setting a password for new users or sharing it via email.

This change was implemented based on customer feedback and to mitigate the negative impact the previous flow had on the domain's reputation.

What’s New:

  • Admins can now create new users without having to set a password for them.
  • Newly created users will receive an invitation email without password information (unlike before) and a call-to-action (CTA) to proceed with account activation and login.
  • Upon clicking the CTA, users are prompted to set a password for themselves.
  • After setting the password, users can log in to their account using their email and the newly created password.


If the user hasn’t received the Activation email or the Activation email expired. Admin can send the email again by triggering it from the Teams/My Staff page by clicking on the Verification Email button. This button will be available until the user set the password.