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May 07, 2024

Exciting New Social Media Automatons

Facebook Comment Automation

You can now automate the conversation based on a comment on your Facebook posts

  • Select the parameters to trigger your workflow (Page, Post Type, Post & Phrase)
  • Use multiple options in the Facebook Interactive Messenger to DM the contact

Add Trigger

Facebook > User comments on a post

Add Action

Facebook Interactive Messenger

Instagram Comment Automation

You can now automate the conversation based on a comment on your Instagram posts

  • Select the parameters to trigger your workflow (Page, Post Type, Post & Phrase)
  • Use multiple options in the Instagram Interactive Messenger to DM the contact

Add Trigger

Instagram > User comments on a post

Add Action

Instagram Interactive Messenger

Facebook + Workflow Al

You can now reply to comments using Workflow AI

  • Let GPT do the work and prepare a response
  • Response will be based on the comment and the prompt added.

Add Action

GPT powered by Open AI

Edit Action

Add the prompt and use comment as input

Add Action

Add "Reply in Comments" action and select the GPT action output as input.