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May 07, 2024

Facebook Comment Automation

You can now automate the conversation based on a comment on your Facebook posts

  • Select the parameters to trigger your workflow (Page, Post Type, Post & Phrase)
  • Use multiple options in the Facebook Interactive Messenger to DM the contact

Add Trigger

Facebook > User comments on a post

Add Action

Facebook Interactive Messenger

Instagram Comment Automation

You can now automate the conversation based on a comment on your Instagram posts

  • Select the parameters to trigger your workflow (Page, Post Type, Post & Phrase)
  • Use multiple options in the Instagram Interactive Messenger to DM the contact

Add Trigger

Instagram > User comments on a post

Add Action

Instagram Interactive Messenger

Facebook + Workflow Al

You can now reply to comments using Workflow AI

  • Let GPT do the work and prepare a response
  • Response will be based on the comment and the prompt added.

Add Action

GPT powered by Open AI

Edit Action

Add the prompt and use comment as input

Add Action

Add "Reply in Comments" action and select the GPT action output as input.

Mar 08, 2024

What's New:

We've implemented a subtle yet impactful improvement by displaying the phone number alongside each user, streamlining the configuration process within the IVR. This enhancement is designed to make the setup more intuitive and user-friendly, empowering our users with an enhanced level of control.


  1. User-Friendly Configuration: Now, users can effortlessly configure the IVR with the phone number conveniently presented next to each user, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience.
  2. Enhanced Visibility: The addition of phone numbers provides clear and concise information, allowing users to make informed decisions during IVR setup.

User Selection Optimization:

To further refine the user experience, we've disabled the selection of users who do not have an associated phone number in the Connect Call action. This ensures that the call forwarding process remains efficient and avoids any potential roadblocks that may arise in the absence of a phone number.

Mar 06, 2024

What is the Text Formatter Workflow Action?

Sometimes it happens you have the data in a certain format and you need to change it or extract some details from it. Sometimes getting the data in the right format needs a bit of help, which is where Text Formatter comes in. This is a free to use action that tweaks your data to get it working the way you need.

What are different types of Text Formatters and what are the use cases?

Upper Case: Converts all characters in the text to uppercase

  • Transforming user input to uppercase for standardized data.
  • Ensuring consistency in capitalization for output messages.

Lower Case: Converts text to lowercase.

  • Standardising text for case-insensitive comparisons.
  • Lowercasing user-provided content for uniformity.

Title Case: Converts text to title case (capitalizes the first letter of each word).

  • Enhancing the presentation of titles and headings.
  • Improving the readability of specific content.

Capitalize: Capitalizes the first letter of the text.

  • Ensuring proper capitalization for names and titles.
  • Enhancing the visual appeal of specific content.

Default Value: Return the default value if the text is empty, if text is present then return the text.

  • Providing fallback content for missing data.
  • Ensuring a consistent response even with incomplete information.

Trim: Shortens the text to a specified length.

  • Use the Trim action to enforce character limits on user-generated content, ensuring concise and well-structured input within specified constraints
  • Employ the Trim action to generate brief preview snippets of longer texts, such as article summaries or teaser content, maintaining a consistent format.

Trim Whitespaces: Remove whitespace from the beginning and end of text..

  • Enhancing the readability of text with proper spacing.
  • Improving the format of user-generated content.

Replace Text: Replaces occurrences of specified text with a new value.

  • Updating outdated information within the text.
  • Customizing template-based content with dynamic values.

Find: Locates the first occurrence of a specific text pattern within the text and returns its position.

  • Identifying specific keywords or phrases in user-generated content.
  • Extracting relevant information based on keywords found within text.

Length: Provides the character count of the text.

  • Enforcing character limits for user-generated content.
  • Analyzing the length of dynamically generated text.

Extract URL: Extracts the first URL from the text.

  • Collecting and validating URLs from user input.
  • Generating a list of embedded URLs within content.

Extract Email: Extracts the first email address from the text.

  • Validating and organizing email addresses from various sources.
  • Automatically extracting contact information from text.

Word Count: Provides the count of words in the text.

  • Monitoring and limiting the word count in user-generated content.
  • Analyzing the complexity of textual information based on word count.

Remove HTML Tags: Strips HTML tags from the text.

  • Cleaning up HTML content for plain text representation.
  • Ensuring proper rendering of text in non-HTML contexts.

Split: Splits the text into multiple segments based on a specified delimiter.

  • Breaking down comma-separated values into individual elements.
  • Extracting keywords or phrases from a delimited list.

How to use Text Formatter action?

Click on the "+" icon to add an action. You can find the Text Formatter in Internal Tools category or directly search for the action in the search bar. 

Select the text formatter action and choose from the exhaustive list of Action Types.

Trim Action Type - Select the input text you want to trim. Then select the length to which you want to trim the text. These are the mandatory fields. You also have the option to skip characters from beginning, selecting this will remove the number of characters entered in the field from the beginning of the text. Also there is a toggle to add an Ellipsis to the end of the text.

Split Action Type - For split action, select the input data that you want to split. Enter the "Separator". The last step is to select which segment of the text you want returned, you can select from First, Second, Last and Second Last.

Jan 23, 2024

About the enhancement

Introducing an exciting enhancement that empowers users to effortlessly handpick up to 10 recipients in the Connect Call action within the IVR system. This innovative capability initiates simultaneous calls to all selected users, persisting until one of them answers.

By expanding the outreach to multiple users concurrently, this feature significantly elevates the likelihood of promptly addressing the caller's needs, especially when other recipients are occupied. The result? Amplified lead conversions and an enriched user experience, as missed opportunities dwindle, and connections flourish seamlessly.

  Minor Bug Fix

In the IVR Gather Input action, earlier the call used to get disconnected when no input was provided. This has now been fixed  

Jan 18, 2024

We are thrilled to announce some exciting UI changes in for the Text Editor!

This document will take you through all the functionalities of the new editor.

  • When "Custom Values" icon is clicked it will populate all the options from where you can select the custom values for the template.
  • By clicking on "Trigger Links" you can select from the links available in the dropdown to add in the template.

Below mentioned functions are highlighted above

  • screenshot
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Font Type

Below mentioned functions are highlighted above

  • Font Size
  • Paragraph Format
  • Line Height
  • Text Color
  • Background Color
  • Disc List
  • Decimal List
  • Text Align

On clicking the more options icon (3 dots) you will be able to select from the below mentioned actions

  • Strike
  • Super Script
  • Sub Script
  • Code
  • Code Block
  • Block Quote
  • Format Selected
  • Format all document

When the "Add Link" icon is clicked a new window will open. In this pop up window you can paste the URL or select a trigger link by clicking on the icon in the right. Select the "Action: from Self or New Window and click on Save.

When the "Image" icon is clicked a new window will open. In this pop up window you can:

  • Add URL of your Image
  • Upload the Image by clicking on the "Upload" button
  • Set the Width and Height
  • Enter an Alternative Text
  • Enter a link you want to open when user clicks on the Image
  • Open Link In - This field is only editable if "Image Action Link" is selected. You can select the link should open in same or different window.

When the "Source Code" icon is clicked a new window will open. In this pop up window you can see the Source Code for the template and edit the same.