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May 21, 2024


We're excited to announce a significant enhancement to our platform: the introduction of the List View for Opportunities, now available.

What is List View?

The new tabular View transforms how you can interact with your opportunities by providing a detailed, streamlined, and customizable view.

Here’s what you can do with it:

Opportunities in a Listed View: See all your opportunities organized in a clear, tabular format.

Sorting Across Fields: Easily sort your opportunities by multiple fields - Opportunity Name, Value or Date Created.

Customizable Fields: Choose which fields you want to display in your list view. You can also resize and reorder these fields.

Full Feature Parity with Board View: All the features like the Advanced filters and Search functionality in the board view are available in the list view too.

Benefits of the List View:

The List View offers several key advantages that can enhance your productivity and streamline your workflow:

Enhanced Visibility: Check out more opportunities displayed in the same view

Increased Customization: Tailor your columns to display or export the information that matters most to you.