The Pro Platform Changelog

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Feb 20, 2024

👀 What’s New?

We're thrilled to introduce a host of new widgets for Conversations for your Dashboards, designed to supercharge your team's efficiency and elevate customer engagement! Now, with just a glance, you can uncover invaluable insights into unread messages, assignee distributions, and even track new conversations started this week.

📈 Here's what you can now visualize:

  1. Total Unread Messages: Shows the total messages that have not been read yet
  2. Total Unread Conversations: Shows the number of conversations that have not been read yet.
  3. Total Unread Conversations today: Displays the number of unread conversations where the last message was received today.
  4. Total Unread Conversations by Channel: Shows the distribution of unread conversations based on the channel type of the customer's last message (e.g., email, SMS, etc.).
  5. Unread Conversations by Assignee: Indicates the number of unread conversations assigned to team members.
  6. Unread Conversations (logged in user): Displays the number of unread conversations for the logged-in user.
  7. Conversations Distribution by Assignee: Shows the number of conversations assigned to team members.
  8. Assigned Conversations (logged in user): Indicates the number of conversations assigned to the logged-in user.
  9. Total Unassigned Conversations: Displays the number of conversations not yet assigned to any team member.
  10. Unassigned Conversations by Channel: Shows unassigned conversations initiated by customers across different channels, considering the channel of the last message from the customer.
  11. New Conversations started (This Week): Indicates the number of conversations started in the current week.

👷 How It Works:

  • Go to your dashboard.
  • Click on the edit icon and then Add widget.
  • Scroll down to the Conversations.
  • Choose the widget you like from the list of predefined widgets or add your own filters.
  • Click on save.

🌟 Why it Matters:

You can monitor and analyze your team's performance in responding to customer conversations, track unread and unassigned conversations, and utilize filters such as Last Message Channel (Email, SMS, GMB, Live Chat, Facebook, Calls, Voicemail, Instagram) and Last Message Direction (Inbound, Outbound) to gain valuable insights and improve customer engagement.

Feb 16, 2024


A watermark is a visible, often translucent, design or text superimposed onto a digital image or document.

🤩 Benefits of Watermark

Watermarking posts on social media serves several purposes, and individuals or businesses may have different reasons for using watermarks. Here are some common reasons:

  • Ownership and Copyright Protection: Watermarks can be used to assert ownership and protect the copyright of the content.
  • By including a watermark with a username, logo, or other identifying information, it becomes more difficult for others to claim the content as their own.
  • Placing a logo or a brand name on images helps in building brand recognition. This can be particularly important for marketing and establishing a consistent online presence.
  • Promotion and Marketing: Watermarks can be used strategically for promotional purposes. For example, a watermark might include a website URL, social media handle, or a hashtag related to a campaign, directing viewers to the creator's online presence or a specific promotion.

How to create a Watermark in Social Planner?

😍How to create a Watermark in Social Planner?

  • 1. Go to Marketing > Social Planner
  • 2. Click on "settings"
  • 3. Click on the watermark tab

There is button to "Add Watermark"

  • User can add the name of watermark
  • User can add the alignment of watermark - Top, bottom, right, left, centre
  • Opacity can be added to the watermark.
  • User can scale - resize the watermark image.
  • There is an option of auto padding - adding more space around the logo.

By default, watermark will be added to all the posts - image(s). In the advanced settings, we provide option to turn off watermark.


  • We today only support one watermark.
  • Watermark doesn't get applied to videos.
  • Watermark will be added for all the socials.
Feb 09, 2024


In this release, we are excited to introduce enhancements to calendar availability settings. Users now have greater flexibility with the ability to indicate 24-hour availability from 12:00 am to 12:00 am.

What's New?

  • 24-Hour Availability: You can now set your availability from 12:00 am to 12:00 am, indicating continuous availability for a full 24-hour period.
  • Extended End Time: End times can now be set to 12:00 am with any other start time. Previously, the end time was restricted to 11:55 pm, which could lead to the last slot not being displayed. With this enhancement, for a calendar duration of 15 minutes and 15-minute intervals, the last available slot will now be correctly shown as 11:45 pm, ensuring users do not miss out on desired appointments.

Important Note:

  • Users can only set 12:00 am to 12:00 am as the same start and end time for 24-hour availability. Setting identical start and end times for other hours, such as 8:00 am to 8:00 am, will not be allowed. In such cases, for example, users should set availability for the period from 8:00 am to 12:00 am on Mondays and from 12:00 am to 8:00 am on Tuesdays.

How to Use?

  • Navigate to calendar settings.
  • Select 'Availability'.
  • Choose your preferred days and time slots.
  • Add your availability accordingly.
Jan 23, 2024

About the enhancement

Introducing an exciting enhancement that empowers users to effortlessly handpick up to 10 recipients in the Connect Call action within the IVR system. This innovative capability initiates simultaneous calls to all selected users, persisting until one of them answers.

By expanding the outreach to multiple users concurrently, this feature significantly elevates the likelihood of promptly addressing the caller's needs, especially when other recipients are occupied. The result? Amplified lead conversions and an enriched user experience, as missed opportunities dwindle, and connections flourish seamlessly.

  Minor Bug Fix

In the IVR Gather Input action, earlier the call used to get disconnected when no input was provided. This has now been fixed  

Jan 22, 2024


We are delighted to introduce Loom video support in our Email Builder’s Video Element, a highly requested feature. Now, seamlessly integrate Loom videos for a richer content experience!

Why We Did It:🤗

Responding to user demands and the growing trend of Loom adoption, we’ve enhanced your email-building journey. This update empowers you to effortlessly embed Loom videos, ensuring your content remains dynamic and engaging.


  • User-Driven Enhancement: This update is a direct result of the user community’s active participation and feedback.
  • Richer Content Experience: Incorporating Loom videos enables users to create more engaging and dynamic content.
  • Increased Adoption: Users can seamlessly integrate Loom videos into their email campaigns, tapping into the platform’s robust capabilities. Increases adoption from Loom’s active user base.

How to Do It:🚀

  • Navigate to the Marketing Tab >> Email builder  and open any draft campaign or template
  • Access and add the Video Element: Within the Email Builder, navigate to the Video Element section and drag it to your email.
  • Choose Loom in the Video Type option
  • Paste Loom Video Link under the Video URL section
  • Similarly update the desired thumbnail if you wish to change the default one added automatically with the Video URL!
  • (Please note that for older videos without a GIF version, a static thumbnail will be generated.)
  • Update the other available styling settings.
  • Preview and Optimize: Preview the video within the email builder to ensure it aligns with your design.

Embrace the power of Loom videos in your emails, and elevate your content creation experience!

Jan 18, 2024

We are thrilled to announce some exciting UI changes in for the Text Editor!

This document will take you through all the functionalities of the new editor.

  • When "Custom Values" icon is clicked it will populate all the options from where you can select the custom values for the template.
  • By clicking on "Trigger Links" you can select from the links available in the dropdown to add in the template.

Below mentioned functions are highlighted above

  • screenshot
  • Undo
  • Redo
  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Font Type

Below mentioned functions are highlighted above

  • Font Size
  • Paragraph Format
  • Line Height
  • Text Color
  • Background Color
  • Disc List
  • Decimal List
  • Text Align

On clicking the more options icon (3 dots) you will be able to select from the below mentioned actions

  • Strike
  • Super Script
  • Sub Script
  • Code
  • Code Block
  • Block Quote
  • Format Selected
  • Format all document

When the "Add Link" icon is clicked a new window will open. In this pop up window you can paste the URL or select a trigger link by clicking on the icon in the right. Select the "Action: from Self or New Window and click on Save.

When the "Image" icon is clicked a new window will open. In this pop up window you can:

  • Add URL of your Image
  • Upload the Image by clicking on the "Upload" button
  • Set the Width and Height
  • Enter an Alternative Text
  • Enter a link you want to open when user clicks on the Image
  • Open Link In - This field is only editable if "Image Action Link" is selected. You can select the link should open in same or different window.

When the "Source Code" icon is clicked a new window will open. In this pop up window you can see the Source Code for the template and edit the same.