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Mar 07, 2024


Weā€™re thrilled to announce significant improvements to our test email feature, aimed at optimizing your email testing process for efficiency and effectiveness. Save time and donā€™t waste writing emails to - from addresses in every test email.

Problem Statement:šŸ’„

a. Previously, users had to manually input the 'from' and 'to' addresses for each test email when evaluating new campaigns.

b. To assess email appearance across different clients or systems, it was necessary to send out several test emails.

What we did?šŸ¤©

  • Weā€™ve introduced the ability to set default ā€˜fromā€™ and ā€˜toā€™ addresses for your test emails, eliminating the need to enter these details for every test email you send. SAVE TIME, MORE EFFICIENCY.
  • Our update now facilitates sending test emails to multiple recipients simultaneously by simply separating email addresses with a comma. (For example - adding multiple emails can be added for testing)

How to Use:šŸ˜Ž

  • Go to the 'Email Marketing Builder'.
  • Choose a template or campaign, click 'Test Email'.
  • Input 'from' and recipient addresses, tick the box to save as default.
  • Embrace a more streamlined and efficient way to test your email campaigns with our latest update!
Mar 06, 2024

Whatā€™s New? / Key Features / Benefits:

1. Fillable Date Field Element

  • You can now easily drag and drop a fillable date field element into uploaded PDFs or documents, streamlining the process of adding date-related information.

2. Custom Values in Fillable Text Field

  • The new drag and drop element allows you to incorporate custom values in fillable text fields, facilitating the dynamic customization of fields that need to be changed for each PDF sent. Eg: Custom name field on a Fixed PDF template which needs to have receiverā€™s name on it can now be filled automatically using Custom values.

3. UI Enhancements

Added support for moving draggable element via keyboard.

  • Added support for moving draggable element via keyboard.
  • Users can utilize Shift+Arrow keys to easily move (signature/text/date) elements, improving precision in document arrangement.
  • Use Shift+Arrow keys for precision
  • Use Ctrl+Shift+Arrow keys for moving the elements faster.
  • Added new tooltip over every assigned fillable elements (Date, Text)
  • Editors can now hover over fillable elements to view the assigned signer, making it easier to edit documents with multiple signers.
  • Signature Element is now resizable instead of scale.

How to Use?

1. Fillable Date Field Element

  • Drag the ā€œFillable Date Fieldā€ element from the toolbar and drop it onto the desired location in your document.
  • Click on the field to fill the date, customize the date format and other properties.

2. Custom Values in Fillable Text Field

  • Drag the ā€œFillable Text Fieldā€ element from the toolbar and drop it onto the document.
  • Single click on the field and select Custom Value icon to input dynamic values.

Why This Feature?

The addition of fillable date fields, customizable text elements, and improved UI aims to provide users with a more flexible and efficient document editing process.

Mar 06, 2024

What is the Text Formatter Workflow Action?

Sometimes it happens you have the data in a certain format and you need to change it or extract some details from it. Sometimes getting the data in the right format needs a bit of help, which is where Text Formatter comes in. This is a free to use action that tweaks your data to get it working the way you need.

What are different types of Text Formatters and what are the use cases?

Upper Case: Converts all characters in the text to uppercase

  • Transforming user input to uppercase for standardized data.
  • Ensuring consistency in capitalization for output messages.

Lower Case: Converts text to lowercase.

  • Standardising text for case-insensitive comparisons.
  • Lowercasing user-provided content for uniformity.

Title Case: Converts text to title case (capitalizes the first letter of each word).

  • Enhancing the presentation of titles and headings.
  • Improving the readability of specific content.

Capitalize: Capitalizes the first letter of the text.

  • Ensuring proper capitalization for names and titles.
  • Enhancing the visual appeal of specific content.

Default Value: Return the default value if the text is empty, if text is present then return the text.

  • Providing fallback content for missing data.
  • Ensuring a consistent response even with incomplete information.

Trim: Shortens the text to a specified length.

  • Use the Trim action to enforce character limits on user-generated content, ensuring concise and well-structured input within specified constraints
  • Employ the Trim action to generate brief preview snippets of longer texts, such as article summaries or teaser content, maintaining a consistent format.

Trim Whitespaces: Remove whitespace from the beginning and end of text..

  • Enhancing the readability of text with proper spacing.
  • Improving the format of user-generated content.

Replace Text: Replaces occurrences of specified text with a new value.

  • Updating outdated information within the text.
  • Customizing template-based content with dynamic values.

Find: Locates the first occurrence of a specific text pattern within the text and returns its position.

  • Identifying specific keywords or phrases in user-generated content.
  • Extracting relevant information based on keywords found within text.

Length: Provides the character count of the text.

  • Enforcing character limits for user-generated content.
  • Analyzing the length of dynamically generated text.

Extract URL: Extracts the first URL from the text.

  • Collecting and validating URLs from user input.
  • Generating a list of embedded URLs within content.

Extract Email: Extracts the first email address from the text.

  • Validating and organizing email addresses from various sources.
  • Automatically extracting contact information from text.

Word Count: Provides the count of words in the text.

  • Monitoring and limiting the word count in user-generated content.
  • Analyzing the complexity of textual information based on word count.

Remove HTML Tags: Strips HTML tags from the text.

  • Cleaning up HTML content for plain text representation.
  • Ensuring proper rendering of text in non-HTML contexts.

Split: Splits the text into multiple segments based on a specified delimiter.

  • Breaking down comma-separated values into individual elements.
  • Extracting keywords or phrases from a delimited list.

How to use Text Formatter action?

Click on the "+" icon to add an action. You can find the Text Formatter in Internal Tools category or directly search for the action in the search bar. 

Select the text formatter action and choose from the exhaustive list of Action Types.

Trim Action Type - Select the input text you want to trim. Then select the length to which you want to trim the text. These are the mandatory fields. You also have the option to skip characters from beginning, selecting this will remove the number of characters entered in the field from the beginning of the text. Also there is a toggle to add an Ellipsis to the end of the text.

Split Action Type - For split action, select the input data that you want to split. Enter the "Separator". The last step is to select which segment of the text you want returned, you can select from First, Second, Last and Second Last.

Mar 02, 2024


We have added the ability to expand the messaging box when writing emails on the contacts detail page. This makes it much more user friendly when typing out long emails. We added this feature in direct response to users inquires!

How to use

Go to the contacts tab and select a contact. Once one the contact details page select "email"

The click the expander icon

Boom! Now you have more room to type! We hope this helps when typing out longer emails!

Mar 01, 2024


We're thrilled to announce an enhancement to our existing feature. You can now add up to five email domains for email types: Workflow, 1:1, Campaign, and Bulk emails. With that error notification was provided if a domains lacks a default header, helps avoid potential DMARC and other deliverability issues.

Here's how to access this Feature:

Settings - Email Service -> SMTP Service -> Dedicated Domain and IP -> Domain Configuration.

Key Benefits:

Improved Deliverability: By spreading email sending volume across multiple domains, reduce the risk of triggering spam filters or being marked as spam by internet service providers (ISPs). This can lead to better inbox placement and higher deliverability rates.

Reduced Risk of Blacklisting: If one sending domain gets blacklisted or flagged for spam, having multiple domains ensures that entire email marketing operation won't be affected.

Distributed Workload: Distributing email sending workload across multiple domains can prevent overloading any single domain and ensuring consistent performance.


The sending domain can be selected for individual workflow, campaign and bulk email level.

Mar 01, 2024


Buffers represent additional time that can be added before and/or after an appointment. Previously, calendars only had post buffers. We are now excited to introduce pre-buffers as well, allowing you more flexibility.

What's New?

  • You can now add both pre and post buffers for an appointment. Pre buffers added before an appointment whereas post buffers added after an appointment.
  • Adding this would allocate buffer time to be considered when scheduling any new appointments.
  • This feature can be beneficial if you need extra time to get ready before an appointment, or wind down after a presentation.

Important points to note:

  1. Buffers only apply to events booked through the booking widget or directly from the app. However, events created outside the app (e.g., Google, Outlook, iCloud) are taken into consideration when finding a free slot while scheduling a meeting with a buffer from the widget / app. This means that buffers cannot overlap with any other existing calendar event.
  2. If there's a 30-minute appointment with15-minute buffers before and after, someone else booking on the same day will see an available slot 30 minutes after the existing booking. This is due to two buffers being applied consecutively, as there will be a 15-minute post buffer for the existing appointment and a 15-minute pre-buffer for the new appointment.

How to Use?

  1. Choose the calendar to which you want to add buffers for appointments.
  2. Navigate to the "Availability" section.
  3. Specify the duration you want for both the pre and post buffers and click on save.
Mar 01, 2024


You now have enhanced control over the communication preferences for third-party calendars (Google and Outlook) regarding sending invitation and appointment update emails. This feature empowers you to manage how you communicate with your event attendees more effectively.

What's New?

  • Previously, you could only regulate whether Google Calendar should send appointment emails (invitations and updates) to attendees.
  • Now, you can also control whether Outlook should send emails from its platform. This expansion provides you with additional flexibility in managing your communication preferences.

How to Use?

To utilize this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to calendar settings.
  2. Locate and click on "Notifications & Additional Options."
  3. Check the box labeled "Allow Google/Outlook to send invitation & update emails to attendees" to enable or disable notifications from the respective third-party calendars.
Feb 27, 2024

What's New?

You can enable or disable open and click tracking for emails.

Navigate to Settings - Email Service -> SMTP Service -> Dedicated Domain and IP -> Domain settings under dedicated domain.

Open Tracking:

Enabled by Default: Open tracking is now enabled by default for all outgoing emails.

How to Disable: You can now choose to disable open tracking for specific domain by adjusting the tracking in the dedicated sending domain tracking settings.

Click Tracking:

Enabled by Default: Click tracking is also enabled by default for all outgoing emails.

How to Disable: You can now choose to disable click tracking for specific domain by adjusting the tracking in the dedicated sending domain tracking settings.

Here's how to access this Feature:

Navigate to Settings - Email Service -> SMTP Service -> Dedicated Domain and IP 

Domain settings under dedicated domain.

Select domain settings

Feb 21, 2024


We are excited to announce that you now have the ability to change the profile image of your GBP chat widget. Until this release, we were restricted to using a static image that was applicable for accounts integrated with us. With this update, you can change the logo to better align with your business preference!

How to Change the Profile Picture for the Chat Widget:

  • Go to settings and proceed to the 'Integrations' section.
  • Select 'Google My Business' and navigate to the 'Change Settings' option.
  • In the settings menu, locate the 'Profile Image' section.
  • Choose your desired image and click the 'Update' CTA.
  • Visit your business on Google to verify the updated profile image.


Upon changing the image and submitting it, an email is sent to the Google support team requesting the update of the image on their end. The turnaround time (TAT) for updating the image is between 24 to 48 hours.

Additionally, we have added an option to seamlessly visit your Google Business Profile from the integration page.

Feb 21, 2024


Any web pages on the internet can be prone to vulnerabilities and can be subjected to various attacks, which can be blocked using headers sent to the browser when the page is loaded and thus safeguarding malicious activities by 3rd parties.

Note: This can be confusing and we recommend doing research if you plan on using this. It is not required by any means, but if your experiencing click farming on one of your ad funnels, or anything of that nature (not typical) this will solve it!

Also: At the moment these can not be deleted once added


A new security tab is added in Funnel/Website detail page where you can add custom security headers of your choice to make your funnel/website more secure against attacks and vulnerabilities.

šŸ¤© Key features & benefits:

  • Security tab in funnels/websites where you can add custom response headers for your funnels
  • Headers play a vital role in website security.
  • With this update you can configure the security headers without any limitations

šŸ˜Ž How to use?

  1. Open any Funnel/Website
  2. Navigate to Security Tab
  3. Click on add security header
  4. On the modal enter the header and value
  5. Click on save
Feb 20, 2024


We're thrilled to introduce one of the most requested features for funnel and website builder. The ability to set margin and padding settings for mobile and desktop views. Now with an advanced customization option, you can set different margin and padding settings for mobile and desktop views, ensuring optimal and best design layouts for different screen sizes. We have made it easier than ever to build mobile-responsive funnels and sites.

šŸ”„šŸ”„New Features:šŸ”„šŸ”„

  • Margin and padding settings for mobile view
  • Enabled margin left and margin right for all elements

šŸ˜Some example use case of this feature:šŸ˜

  • Perfecting the look of grid layouts with different margin padding settings for mobile
  • Improving the visual layout and placement of elements for mobile

šŸ¤©Major Paint point solvedšŸ¤©

Now there is no need to create multiple sections and keep different margin and padding settings in multiple devices and hide from one device.

šŸ„³How to UsešŸ„³

  • To change the margin or padding of an element in the new funnel builder and make it responsive across different devices, follow these steps:
  • Select the desired element in the funnel builder,
  • Go to the element settings and navigate to the Margin and Padding setting.
  • Adjust the setting for desktop. This change will also apply to mobile devices.
  • Click on the desktop icon to switch to the mobile view.
  • Change the margin or padding specifically for mobile. Note that this change will not affect the on desktop.
  • To modify the margin or padding for desktop again, switch back to the desktop view and make the necessary adjustments. This change will only affect the setting on desktop.
Feb 20, 2024


Weā€™ve enhanced the new user creation, enabling newly created users to set their passwords before logging into their accounts. This update prevents admins from setting a password for new users or sharing it via email.

This change was implemented based on customer feedback and to mitigate the negative impact the previous flow had on the domain's reputation.

Whatā€™s New:

  • Admins can now create new users without having to set a password for them.
  • Newly created users will receive an invitation email without password information (unlike before) and a call-to-action (CTA) to proceed with account activation and login.
  • Upon clicking the CTA, users are prompted to set a password for themselves.
  • After setting the password, users can log in to their account using their email and the newly created password.


If the user hasnā€™t received the Activation email or the Activation email expired. Admin can send the email again by triggering it from the Teams/My Staff page by clicking on the Verification Email button. This button will be available until the user set the password.